Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is not going to be what you thought. You know growing up whether friends, family or even a stranger there is that one thing they said that just sticks with you !

So, every Wednesday I will post ~THINGS IVE LEARNED~. Can be funny, informative, serious etc. Here are the few thing that popped in my mind today.

1) My friend and fellow Blogger Angie taught me to - Flush a public toilet with my foot/shoe! Sounds strange, but it never occurred to me that I didn't have to touch that nasty thing! I'm sure the people in the stall next to me wonder why I'm on 1 foot for a few seconds, but I think that was worthy of ~THINGS IVE LEARNED!~

2) My childhood friend and I have know each other since we were 12 and lets just say that's been a few years lol She gave me a ''plex'' in my teens because she ALWAYS told me as we got older to ,''not forget my neck when putting on facial products''! In retrospect I should have listened, Now I'm ''alittle'' older and my neck would look like a baby's butt (in my mind) had I only listened to my friends advise on applying the creams! So, now I slab it on about an inch thick hoping it will make up for the years of thinking I didn't need to!

That's all I have for tonight if I come up with anymore Ill save for next week. So, has anyone ever told you that one thing that was awsum or stupid that you've never forgotten? Well share with us and lets get a gasp or laugh together!

Happy Hump Day(-;


  1. I'm looking forward to your "What I have learned" posts. I like your perspective on things, so this will be good!

  2. You know I'm a germaphobe! Glad to be of assistance! LOL!

  3. The pressures on Grace! lol Yes, Angie I just wanted you know know what an influence you are to me lmao the wierdest things ''stick'' huh

  4. OMG! You mean I am not the only one pretending to be a flamingo for a second in the bathroom stalls???? Whew *wipes brow in relief*

  5. Lol no Mitzi you are not! I always got extra TP and would wad up to flush handle with! Then my intellegent friend made a comment one day about using her foot an I thought well ''doofie'' why havent you been doing that! Its those little things that stick with you (-; Im just impressed I can still get my foot up that high lmao.

  6. My grandmom taught me the flushing thing when I was a little girl. She also used to tell me that I needed a breakfast that would "stick to my ribs," not just cereal. A report in a British newspaper just confirmed that a breakfast with fat sets your body up to burn fat during the day. It seems like everything she ever said has eventually been supported by the "experts."


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