Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I believe your legacy is not your past , but your future.I understand bad things happen to good people and alot of us have not had the perfect childhood. You choose which part of the legacy you carry forward and which part you dont. My Dad was an Alcoholic, I have chosen not to be! You have to change that cycle if you dont want it repeated. You never break a habit, you replace one behavior or set of behaviors with a new set of behaviors. You have to replace bad behavior with positive and good behavior. You CAN end the cycle, you have the power to change your destiny and that of your children! Dont give up....... be proud of yourself for each change you make!


  1. That is so true. I'm glad that you decided that you weren't going to be an alcoholic. It's the same as abuse, any kind. I don't have alcoholic parents, and I can't imagine ever living through that. So this is a big shout out to you!

  2. Awww thanx DD. I agree, abuse is abuse it all leaves a scar ... its up to us how deep we let the scar remain! My father did stop drinking when I was grown, so that was a blessing. He wasnt a daily drinker, but a weekend drinker... Guess I was lucky compared to some?!

  3. Right on! You are so right!


'' Yall Come Back Now Ya Hear! ''