Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Do you ever have those days where you have so much to say, but you just cant put it into words? I call it a brain fog. I'm sure it'll lift, but at the moment I just feel ''spent''! Mentally, physically.....period!

What do you do when you feel like that? No, I don't mean depressed etc I mean just emotionally drained. I wish I knew how to do Yoga or some type of inner peace exercise . Not that I would do it I just wished I knew how to lol Do you ever feel like a vacation ALONE? Not for any particular reason, just a soul searching, cleansing mission?!

Makes a person feel bad to be soul searching when there are people out there with bigger issues. Both of my children have graduated, 1 college the other in his second year and I think its part empty nest and part I want to do something else with my life at this stage! Sounds easy enough right? Wrong? I feel like I should be where I want to be at this point in my life.

I did fill out the FAFSA for College today in hopes of finishing one day. Its been years......kids and life got in the way. Its funny at my age I don't know what I wanna be ''when I grow up'' lol I want to do it ALL is the problem I think. I was a Hair stylist/make-up artist for 20+ yrs, actually still do it for Pageant's, Prom and Special Occasions. I've had a Reproduction Furniture Store for 5yrs, A Clothing/Retail Store and a Tanning/Retail Salon that I just shut down at the end of last year!

I say I'm multi-talented in what I can do.......truth is I'm just all over the place and have been very blessed to try different things! Now, Id like to finish my degree in Criminal Justice and do P.I. work.......I know.....has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with my past! That's the ironic part of it. I'm a people person, I mingle and fit in easily and who doesn't want to be paid to dig up dirt on people! (Bad people that is!) I am in no way disillusioned at what the job entails. I have talked to many people who presently are in the profession or knows the field.

So, in short.......am I'm crazy, mid life-in it or doing what most people my age do if giving the opportunity?!


  1. Follow your interest, and your heart!

  2. Girl, you and I have had this convo. more times than I can recall! Its the fact that our interest are all over the place and our heart tends to follow (;

  3. being emotionally drained is the worst kind of tired there is. digging up dirt can get depressing to because you are seeing "the bad" in people and that can wear on you too.

    Hang in there. I love reading your blogs. you and Angie are like my blogging friends because you 2 were some of the first few people I started to follow.

  4. Awww thanx DD! Yea Im just in one of those hormonal funks lol Angie and I started this together and are enjoying it alot! Our lake days are alot of fun lmao she said it quite well! We enjoy your Blog also and you were one of my first followings too!! Thanx for always commenting at least I know someone is reading it lol

  5. "Emotionally Drained" usually when I am feeling this way I do something completely mindless...something that doesn't require me to use my brain at all. I crochet, so that doesn't require much in the way of brain work, and watch a good comedy.

    As for school later in life...I say GO FOR IT!!! you're never too old to learn new things.

  6. Thanx Mitzi! I think we all go thru a Soul searching mission at different stages of our lives. It just seems to get harder the older we get or for me seems silly at times! Im just not good with Idle hands or mind!

    I ALWAYS feel like I need to be doing SOMETHING.....this is showing me I will not be a good canidate for retirement lol

    My son actually wanted me to go to U.T. with him his last year, I thought that was sweet! Guess he thought he could help his old mom out haha It HAS been awhile! Oh and I actually did watch an old comedy with Richard Prior in it last nite, it was on TV so was edited! FUNNY! I needed that! Have an awsum week and when I decide what I wanna be when I grow up Ill write a big Blog on it lmao!

  7. okay...first.... I love your energy, your willingness to grow and challenge yourself. FANTASTIC!

    OKAY...maybe I shouldn't tell you this. but I am a PI - and its boring work. I have a security company that involves PI work I farm a lot out, some I still do - its hard to track someone, and to watch is sooo hard. stare at nothing for hours and wait for something to happen.

    but don't let me stop ya! study and live hard! You're my role model


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