Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The New Generation

That's what I will call it now, because it wasn't a few years back I referred to them as ''Old People"! Do you remember when you were in your teens 30 seemed Old. You just couldn't imagine EVER being ''30''! Surely by the time you were in your 30s death was knocking at your door.

Then you turn 20, in your 20's -40 seemed ancient! You couldn't imagine EVER being 40! How does someone that age even get around? Im sure they need help!

Around the corner you hit 30 and your starting to rethink what you thought about the 30s and 40s. BUT, still 50ish is Senior discounts in resturant age....damn that's old! How do they get out of bed? Speaking of bed, dont they go to bed at 6 and get up with the roosters?

OMG, now you are 40! The big 4-0! 50' not looking too old now, but 60 is decrepit. What a difference 10yrs would make. Surly people of THAT age have no fun and wouldn't DARE dream of that word''sex''! EWWWWW yuck surely they would never do that! Stop my brain from having a mental picture!

Then you hit 50 and you hear 50 is the new 30 or 20 or what ever bullshit it is they say! Now your not even worried about 60! You made it to 50 anything over that HAS to be a bonus! That's what I hear anyway, so I am rounding the 50 mark in a few years and my husband is in a few mths. I believed all those myths above!

I have come to realize its all B.S.! You are at any age what you put into it! Happiness, disappointments the up and downs of life at ALL ages makes the next decade another challenge. Yes, each stage of life SHOULD be simpler, but not always. IF it is consider it a gift from above!

Maybe 50 will be my new 20 or 30 , God knows that would be a blessing that I would take and run hard and fast with! I plan on doing all I can with this gift of life and my desire to do more and more increases with age. I feel settled in my relationships and blessed in my life. Struggles are not uncommon, but more easily delt with and processed.

So, the next time you see that ''Old Person'' remember by the Grace of God you too will be them! What a Glorious day that will be...............live-love-laugh means more to me these days! Now my friends I am on the cuspid of that ''The New Generation'' and am Proud to be here and looking forward to my Senior discounts one day!!


  1. The older I get, the more I love the age I am. And the less I care what other people think about me. Does that make sense?

  2. Yes it does!!! Because Im the exact same way!!! Sometimes gets me into to trouble haha


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