Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thank you Mitzi @ ~Southern Style~! So sweet of you and a nice welcoming from a month off!

So, I'm suppose to award this to 10 other people and tell you 10 things I love...................

Ten things I love:

1) I have to say I love my family 1st or Ill be shunned!

2) Of course my God always without him life would be really hard at times!

3)I love the feel of sand between my toes;

4)the sound of the ocean waves;

5)the sun on my face and the wind in my hair;

6)the smell of an Ocean breeze

7)A realllyyyy good Margarita (-;

8)Sex and The City...yes I'm a fan!

9)To Blog

10)The smell of fresh flowers, my favorite is a Magnolia Tree...nothing better!

I will have to go back and add the 10 Bloggers.....its not an easy task! I still haven't figured out how to add them, so that they can just be clicked on and you can go directly to their site!


Have You Ever Wondered.............

Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs? At a movie theater which arm rest is yours? What is Satan's last name? Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes? If your driving a federal owned car, and you run a stop sign, is it considered a felony? Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commericals that says "Not available in all states"? If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity? If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin? If you are asked to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your the main witness, what if you say "no"? Do they bury people with their braces on? How far east can you go before you're heading west? How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion? Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves? If, in a baseball game, the batter hits a ball splitting it right down the center with half the ball flying out of the park and the other half being caught, what is the final ruling? If you were to get drunk in a country where the drinking limit is under 21, and went to the states and were still over the limit, could they arrest you for underage drinking even though you did not do the drinking in the states. Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball? If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP? Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron? If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress? Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it. If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin? If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest? Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food? If its 11:30 PM Dec 31 in Texas and 12:30 AM Jan 1st in New York and you have a New York driver's license that expires Jan 2007, does that mean your license has expired? What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup? If a transvesite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?

Glad to be back (-;

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yayyyyy...........My Blogger friend D.D. Short for DazeeDreams.blogspot.com gave me this award! Thank You!! I feel I should get all dressed up, stand on a stool with hair brush in hand and give an acceptance speech! It would go something like this....................
I would first and foremost like to thank God for giving me giving me the ability to write and I mean just my name in general! I would like to thank my Mother-in-Law for giving me the ability to lie with a straight face (of course I always repent)! I would like to thank my family and friends for all my Blogging material and last but not least I would like to thank my new Blogging friends for taking the time to read my dribble (=
Im suppose to come up with some lies, but now under the pressure Im beginning to freeze lol so you decide whats true and whats not!
I would never....................
1) tell a lie
2) hide chocolate around the house
3)lie about my age
4)click my heels and wish I could be Dorothy
5)wonder ''WHY'' or ''WTH''
6)think my boys are awsum
7)think my husbands awsum
8)has alot of patience
9)Looks Good Naked (=
10)would love to have a fridge fulllll of Botox
So what cha think?! Ill give you a hint.....a few of them are a lie lol have an awsum day and I will be awarding this to a few of my Blogger friends tomorrow! Thanx again D.D.

The New Generation

That's what I will call it now, because it wasn't a few years back I referred to them as ''Old People"! Do you remember when you were in your teens 30 seemed Old. You just couldn't imagine EVER being ''30''! Surely by the time you were in your 30s death was knocking at your door.

Then you turn 20, in your 20's -40 seemed ancient! You couldn't imagine EVER being 40! How does someone that age even get around? Im sure they need help!

Around the corner you hit 30 and your starting to rethink what you thought about the 30s and 40s. BUT, still 50ish is Senior discounts in resturant age....damn that's old! How do they get out of bed? Speaking of bed, dont they go to bed at 6 and get up with the roosters?

OMG, now you are 40! The big 4-0! 50' not looking too old now, but 60 is decrepit. What a difference 10yrs would make. Surly people of THAT age have no fun and wouldn't DARE dream of that word''sex''! EWWWWW yuck surely they would never do that! Stop my brain from having a mental picture!

Then you hit 50 and you hear 50 is the new 30 or 20 or what ever bullshit it is they say! Now your not even worried about 60! You made it to 50 anything over that HAS to be a bonus! That's what I hear anyway, so I am rounding the 50 mark in a few years and my husband is in a few mths. I believed all those myths above!

I have come to realize its all B.S.! You are at any age what you put into it! Happiness, disappointments the up and downs of life at ALL ages makes the next decade another challenge. Yes, each stage of life SHOULD be simpler, but not always. IF it is consider it a gift from above!

Maybe 50 will be my new 20 or 30 , God knows that would be a blessing that I would take and run hard and fast with! I plan on doing all I can with this gift of life and my desire to do more and more increases with age. I feel settled in my relationships and blessed in my life. Struggles are not uncommon, but more easily delt with and processed.

So, the next time you see that ''Old Person'' remember by the Grace of God you too will be them! What a Glorious day that will be...............live-love-laugh means more to me these days! Now my friends I am on the cuspid of that ''The New Generation'' and am Proud to be here and looking forward to my Senior discounts one day!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Im Eclectic


In the past it almost seemed like a bad thing to be eclectic. If you were ''eclectic'' then maybe you couldn't make up your mind or you had no style sense. I assure you neither of those are me!

I love everything! All kinds of cars,clothes,food,decorations,hair,make-up just about everything! I'm proud of the fact that I can find joy and beauty in all I see. Now I am picky on my shoes , but a girl has to have a few favorites!

My house is riddled with Antiques, mixed with some oriental pieces, shabby sheek mixed with family mementos and topped off with alittle modern! Hey, it works....it really does!

I like to mix and match my clothes, Ive even layered my perfumes! Maybe I am indecisive, but I like it that way! I love to mix what I read and what music I listen to. Ill go from Styx, to Creed,to Pink Floyd,to Hank Williams Jr, to Nickleback to Journey back to country then top it off with some Beethoven! Keeps life interesting!

The Madonna Era had to be one of my favorites- with a mix of Flash Dance, the doors were open for Eclectic dressing! I made alot of my clothes,quite stylishly I might add (or to me anyway lol) it was fun,free and not up-tight! Now don't get me wrong I also had the day time business suit, but at night that went far in the closet and I felt free.

I love to mix and match pillows on my bed to bring out that color you can barely see until you throw that pillow on it and make it ''POP''! I love to start a trend and not follow!

I love Sushi, but I also love a good steak and how about some Lobster with alittle Mexican and Italian on the side! I'm a salad freak, love me some fruit too!

I also can take a good glass of red wine or a Chocolate Martini, but a cold beer or frozen Margarita sounds good too. I will also add I am a Dt Coke junkie who loves her sweet tea too.

As far as movies go I love Trues stories, comedy's,thrillers,love stories, but I have to say I'm not much on Sci-fi! Theres nothing like an old classic to cuddle up on the couch with your man and a blanket!

My friends are of all walks and types. Ive never felt the need to classify my self and my friends. I have some that could buy and sell me 10times over then I have some that cant make rent. I have some that refuse to eat some where that doesn't have cloth napkins and others that want peanut shells on the floor! I'm open.................theres someone for every mood and occasion! I have single friends,married friends, kid less friends,friends with 6 kids,friends that are gran parents friends that truly believe their dogs are their kids lol

I have friends that ride Harley's(we own one), I have friends that hate Harley's........so it makes my life interesting and very hard to get bored.

This in return shows through how I decorate my house,choose my friends and live my life! Eclectic, full of all the things and people life has to offer! I try to live my life to the fullest and collect odds and ends along the way to tell the story. Thanks to everyone whose been a part of my journey. Theres a little piece of you some where in my house or heart!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Witch Hazel is an astringent that's an effective facial cleanser, it a treatment for insect bites and a cooling agent for hemorrhoids (ouch). Now research from Germany suggests witch hazel fights Herpes simplex virus type 1- the virus that causes cold sores. ''Witch hazels drying effect may break down the fatty outer envelope of virus cells, weakening them,''! To apply, dip cotton swab into the bottle, then dab on your cold sore. Its safe to apply several times a day!

Honey calms a cough better than over-the-counter cough surp. Honey sooths by coating the throat but may also help because its packed with antioxidants and antimicrobials. Don't give to kids under 1 ; their immune system cant handle the bacterium that's in some honeys. For adults a few spoons is plenty and if your allergic to bees make sure you don't have an allergy to honey, too!

Duct Tape, an East Texas favorite cure for ''everything''!! Did you know that duct tape actually removes warts better than freezing therapy! Their not really sure why it works, but it might be because it irritates the area, stimulating the immune system! Awsum huh! This is what you do : Clean the wart,then cover with duct tape. After 6days remove tape and soak wart in warm water. Use pumice or an emery board to rub away soft areas. Leave tape off over night; apply more the next morning. Repeat until wart is gone-usually 2mths!

Baby Shampoo is of course a gentle shampoo for babies, but is also used for itchy,red or crusty eyelids-a problem for many contact-lens wearers. Gently scrub the edges of your lids with a cotton ball soaked in diluted baby shampoo (3drops shampoo 6 tbs of water). Then rinse the lids with clean cotton balls dipped in warm water.


Butter-use it to relieve or heal a burn. It actually increases the risk of an infection!
Wet Rags-for a sore throat,wrap a cold damp wrag around you neck (flannel) and sleep with it!
Onions-boil chopped onions in water with sugar,then drink the surp to cure a cold.
Cigar Smoke-puff the smoke of a cigar directly into the achy ear to soothe and relieve pain.
Raw Steak-classic remedy for the black eye-but an ice pack works and wont expose you to bacteria

My mom was the worst. She was like the guy on ''My Big Fat Greek Wedding'' with the windex, but her drug of choice was ~Vicks Salve~! I still cringe at the name. When we had an ear ache she would heat it up over the burner til the spoon was red and pour the ''molten hot'' salve in our ear!! WHY...who told her this would work? Id like to slap them!
We would have the same fight,
''momma its too hot''
mom, ''sit down-no its not''!
me- ''mom its smoking''
mom-'' that's just steam''
''no momma don't owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! TOLD you it was too hot! ''
Mom- well I touched it with my finger and it didn't seem ''THAT'' hot!
What Momma, did you say somethinh ? Huh? I CANT HEAR YOU MOMMA!!!!! WTH

FINALLY, just a word of advise, Those Nabisco 100 calorie snack packs. You know the ones everything is ''pre'' measured so you wont ingest too may! Welll,it has come to me attetion(and my scales) that if you consume the whole box of the pre packaged little goodies you COULD and I repeat COULD be sabotaging your diet. Just a thought, a thought that I personally tend to ignore! I think I do better measuring my self. With me I think Im being stubborn because I know ''someone'' else has told me this is what you are suppose to have and NO MORE! I - the stubborn person I am will prove to them I can consume the entire 500 calories in the box with out even a sip from my diet coke!! What a goal to achieve huh (=

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Do you ever have those days where you have so much to say, but you just cant put it into words? I call it a brain fog. I'm sure it'll lift, but at the moment I just feel ''spent''! Mentally, physically.....period!

What do you do when you feel like that? No, I don't mean depressed etc I mean just emotionally drained. I wish I knew how to do Yoga or some type of inner peace exercise . Not that I would do it I just wished I knew how to lol Do you ever feel like a vacation ALONE? Not for any particular reason, just a soul searching, cleansing mission?!

Makes a person feel bad to be soul searching when there are people out there with bigger issues. Both of my children have graduated, 1 college the other in his second year and I think its part empty nest and part I want to do something else with my life at this stage! Sounds easy enough right? Wrong? I feel like I should be where I want to be at this point in my life.

I did fill out the FAFSA for College today in hopes of finishing one day. Its been years......kids and life got in the way. Its funny at my age I don't know what I wanna be ''when I grow up'' lol I want to do it ALL is the problem I think. I was a Hair stylist/make-up artist for 20+ yrs, actually still do it for Pageant's, Prom and Special Occasions. I've had a Reproduction Furniture Store for 5yrs, A Clothing/Retail Store and a Tanning/Retail Salon that I just shut down at the end of last year!

I say I'm multi-talented in what I can do.......truth is I'm just all over the place and have been very blessed to try different things! Now, Id like to finish my degree in Criminal Justice and do P.I. work.......I know.....has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with my past! That's the ironic part of it. I'm a people person, I mingle and fit in easily and who doesn't want to be paid to dig up dirt on people! (Bad people that is!) I am in no way disillusioned at what the job entails. I have talked to many people who presently are in the profession or knows the field.

So, in short.......am I'm crazy, mid life-in it or doing what most people my age do if giving the opportunity?!