Witch Hazel is an astringent that's an effective facial cleanser, it a treatment for insect bites and a cooling agent for hemorrhoids (ouch). Now research from Germany suggests witch hazel fights Herpes simplex virus type 1- the virus that causes cold sores. ''Witch hazels drying effect may break down the fatty outer envelope of virus cells, weakening them,''! To apply, dip cotton swab into the bottle, then dab on your cold sore. Its safe to apply several times a day!
Honey calms a cough better than over-the-counter cough surp. Honey sooths by coating the throat but may also help because its packed with antioxidants and antimicrobials. Don't give to kids under 1 ; their immune system cant handle the bacterium that's in some honeys. For adults a few spoons is plenty and if your allergic to bees make sure you don't have an allergy to honey, too!
Duct Tape, an East Texas favorite cure for ''everything''!! Did you know that duct tape actually removes warts better than freezing therapy! Their not really sure why it works, but it might be because it irritates the area, stimulating the immune system! Awsum huh! This is what you do : Clean the wart,then cover with duct tape. After 6days remove tape and soak wart in warm water. Use pumice or an emery board to rub away soft areas. Leave tape off over night; apply more the next morning. Repeat until wart is gone-usually 2mths!
Baby Shampoo is of course a gentle shampoo for babies, but is also used for itchy,red or crusty eyelids-a problem for many contact-lens wearers. Gently scrub the edges of your lids with a cotton ball soaked in diluted baby shampoo (3drops shampoo 6 tbs of water). Then rinse the lids with clean cotton balls dipped in warm water.
Butter-use it to relieve or heal a burn. It actually increases the risk of an infection!
Wet Rags-for a sore throat,wrap a cold damp wrag around you neck (flannel) and sleep with it!
Onions-boil chopped onions in water with sugar,then drink the surp to cure a cold.
Cigar Smoke-puff the smoke of a cigar directly into the achy ear to soothe and relieve pain.
Raw Steak-classic remedy for the black eye-but an ice pack works and wont expose you to bacteria
My mom was the worst. She was like the guy on ''My Big Fat Greek Wedding'' with the windex, but her drug of choice was ~Vicks Salve~! I still cringe at the name. When we had an ear ache she would heat it up over the burner til the spoon was red and pour the ''molten hot'' salve in our ear!! WHY...who told her this would work? Id like to slap them!
We would have the same fight,
''momma its too hot''
mom, ''sit down-no its not''!
me- ''mom its smoking''
mom-'' that's just steam''
''no momma don't owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! TOLD you it was too hot! ''
Mom- well I touched it with my finger and it didn't seem ''THAT'' hot!
What Momma, did you say somethinh ? Huh? I CANT HEAR YOU MOMMA!!!!! WTH
FINALLY, just a word of advise, Those Nabisco 100 calorie snack packs. You know the ones everything is ''pre'' measured so you wont ingest too may! Welll,it has come to me attetion(and my scales) that if you consume the whole box of the pre packaged little goodies you COULD and I repeat COULD be sabotaging your diet. Just a thought, a thought that I personally tend to ignore! I think I do better measuring my self. With me I think Im being stubborn because I know ''someone'' else has told me this is what you are suppose to have and NO MORE! I - the stubborn person I am will prove to them I can consume the entire 500 calories in the box with out even a sip from my diet coke!! What a goal to achieve huh (=