Which ones better? I vote for Sizzling Sunday, why you ask? Because I enjoy the family being home. I am glad my boys are off work and out of the heat except for the things they WANT to do! I enjoy listening to them laugh and their girl friends giggle, watch them pick at each other - fuss and make up! But most of all watching them grow.
I have came to realize if not for our misfortunes they may not still be living at home! Bitter sweet.........Im one of those moms that could have her children live by them ALWAYS! They wouldnt have to visit everyday it would just be nice to know their ok and at home at night safe and sound!So before some freak out on me-NO-I dont encourage it, but I would never discourage it either. We have a close family and we love their long time girlfriends. We all know each others limits so we try not to go too far!
As I said in my last post, this is a small house and we are forced to always be around each other if home! It gets difficult at times, but I wouldnt give it up for the world. I can go next door (our store room is bigger than our house and was an old church pews and all!) where I put the office,tanning bed etc and chill to get away from the ruckus lol They can go over there to get away from us also so it works!
I also realize with talks of engagements pending with both by the end of the year and Bridal magazines thrown around the house in every corner this scenero will be over soon enough. Maybe thats why I enjoy my weekends with my ~CREW~ as I call them! I am reluctlently letting go more and more everyday, although I tell them I have.......I havent!
I never realized just how much ~I~ needed them until they were all I had! I always prided myself on allowing them to grow, make their own mistakes and be their own person. Their Dad and I in the back ground if needed watching, waiting,congratulating,cheering on and consoling if need be!
This sizzling Sunday my oldest spent the weekend at his G.F.s families in another town. Its quiet when hes not here. God has blessed me with this time with him. He moved back home shortly after our house burnt and drove back and forth to College. Four days a week he drove a 120 miles round trip, he said he wanted to be back home around his family! The thought of us not being here really freaked him out! I laugh and say God brought him back home so Id get sick of another grown man (21-23) living at home and I could deal when they moved out for good! I REALLY do believe this!
My youngest and I did College stuff this weekend on the computer trying to get him registered etc His laugh is so intoxicating I love to hear it! It makes a bad day seem not so bad! Its makes a good day GREAT! His G.F. would marry tomorrow, so I have spent alot of time explaining the importance of school and being prepared! Who knows if it sunk in, but at least this small house presents the ability to hear and see more so I can help or at least put my 10cents in!
Sizzling Sundays are the day that slows the weekend down,brings us all together to prepeare for the week to come and always open the door for discusssion of ~something~. Its family meal day, the day everyone slows down long enough to stick around and watch a movie together,grill,do some house/yard work and just have a visit! I love it and I hope when they are married going thru the hussle and bussel of life they look back and remember this time together with a smile! I hope they take away from the experience that family is what counts and everthing else is secondary.
I can only say a prayer that they feel as Blessed as I do! Who knows what next weekend will bring, but I do know next Sunday will be a family day full of stories, laughter,arguing(they are boys),schedules for the pending week, but most of all unity........~ A Family That Prays And Plays Together Stays Together~
That is so awesome that they spend time with you like that. And how cool is it that you have an old church to hang out in.
ReplyDeleteIt is DD and I wouldnt trade this time for anything! Yea, We have out ltl house a 2600 sq ft church and a small rent house all in an L shape right by ea other. The church was an Old Nazzarene Church with all the Pews etc in it.....we actually should have moved in it and rented the other 2out lol we still may! I have some rooms up front and when company comes they have a seperate room with a/c etc away from us and private. It always cracks me up because it kinda freaks them out staying in an old Church....I tell them they should feel good not freaked lol
ReplyDeletehaha. They are probably afraid of "sinning" while in church. (wink, wink)
ReplyDeleteAwesome pictures of your boys and their girlfriends. You have so much fun coming up.
Thats kinda the ''just'' I get from it too lmao Thank you yes there is alot of fun comming up in the next year! I think it may finally be my ''prozac'' year (=
ReplyDeleteI hope my kids stay close too, but maybe like next door! Maybe we can borrow the church! LOL