Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My two friends and I piled up on my floor and decided to Blog together last Sunday. We had a blast. What one didnt know the other did or we figured it out together. It was such a relief to have 3 heads instead of one lol.

After our group Blogging experience, we decided to meet at least once a month and compare notes and new blogging treasures we've discovered. We laughed and said we would call this our Blogging ~Conference~ ! By Tuesday I had already found a place to hold a ~Blogging Retreat~, I called one of the girls and she loved the idea. So, we are excited and working our little minds and fingers to a frenzy.

Stay tune for Date and Location toward end of Summer. Check out my friends Blogs at blahblahblah and Tinkers Tale, they are awsum writers and so enthusiastic about this process. We all have a little something different to offer, which will give you 3 different point of views.

We are so excited and appreciate your support!

~Blog On~


'' Yall Come Back Now Ya Hear! ''